People often benefit from continued rehabilitation after leaving the hospital. The Center’s experienced, licensed medical professionals provide specialized brain injury rehabilitation services for those with brain injuries, autism and other developmental disabilities, including physical, occupational and speech therapies. The Center’s neuropsychologist works closely with the clinical services team, providing valuable assessment information throughout treatment. Since the effects of brain injury on individuals and their families can be devastating, we offer counseling to assist with the changes and adjustments that occur.
Through our Adaptive Equipment Services, the Center also helps people obtain equipment they need to become or stay independent. Find out more about our Adaptive Equipment Services.
Physical Therapy
The Center’s licensed physical therapists assist people to improve mobility, balance and coordination, walking, enhancing range of motion, building muscle strength and teaching safe transfer techniques. Our one-on-one therapy enables people to gain confidence in these skills through use of strategies and therapeutic techniques for use in their home and community.
Occupational Therapy
The Center’s licensed occupational therapists work with people to increase independence with self care and activities of daily living such as dressing, personal hygiene, food preparation and eating. People demonstrating difficulties with use of their fingers, hands or arms can address range of motion, use of splints and other therapeutic exercise for improved skill with our occupational therapies. Our therapists also assist with cognitive therapy and visual perception skills that can interfere with everyday skills such as managing money and returning to work.
Speech and Language Therapy
The Center’s licensed speech and language therapists assist people who have difficulty communicating due to speech, language, memory or cognition difficulties. Our therapists work with each person to improve functional communication, executive functioning skills and communicative independence. Other areas addressed by our therapies can include oral motor strengthening and skills, augmentative and alternative communication, written language and swallowing difficulties.
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Our neuropsychological evaluation involves a full-battery of standardized tests and clinical interviews that provide a complete picture of a person’s cognitive abilities post injury. A comprehensive and timely report is provided from a board-certified, clinical neuropsychologist.
Counseling Services
The Center has Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) and Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) specially trained in the field of developmental disabilities to provide counseling and rehabilitation support that focus on each person’s strengths and abilities. Our licensed counselors work closely with each individual and with families to ensure that the services offered are tailored to their unique situation.
Our counselors provide a person-centered approach for individual, family and group counseling sessions. We offer a broad range of services designed to assist participants to live with autonomy and to address emotional and behavior issues. Individual and group programs are available to focus on increasing independence, building confidence, improving relationships, promoting stability, learning life skills, life transitions and self-advocacy. Family counseling offers education and support to all family members.