Our wish list comprises important requests made by program staff and managers that will help us fulfill our mission, improve our programs and expand services. In-kind donations, like monetary donations, are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. You can download and complete our in-kind donation form to bring with you when you deliver your donation.

We also have wish lists on Amazon, where you can purchase much needed items for the Center.

If you would like more information about our program needs or the quantity of items requested, please contact the Development Department at 314-983-9230 ext:1110.


  • Landscaping services needed to spruce up the front of the building
  • Photographer to take pictures for our website
  • Handyman services for some general work around the building
  • Painting services to freshen up the paint in some areas
  • Volunteer to answer phones and greet visitors


Larger Items:

  • New or Gently Used Refrigerator with ice making capabilities
  • New or pre-owned (in good condition) passenger van or minivan
  • Sensory Room for the Midwest Adult Autism Program

In accordance with IRS regulations, in-kind donations are tax-deductible up to the “fair market value” of the item. Fair market value is the price a willing, knowledgeable buyer would pay a willing, knowledgeable seller when neither has to buy or sell. By law, a charity cannot tell you what your donated items are worth; you must assess the value. Consult a tax advisor or appraiser to help you determine the familiar with market value in your region. Guidance from the IRS regarding donated property can be found here: irs.gov/charities-non-profits/contributors/information-on-donated-property-for-donors

The Center is happy to provide a receipt and/or other substantiation for your in-kind contributions.