When our candidates are hired to a job, we have our employment advisors there to provide support at the workplace to help ensure success. Our employment advisors are on-site to help the person to learn their new job tasks in the work environment through training, incorporating compensatory strategies and developing natural supports at the job. We work closely with each employer’s management team to help make sure the business remains productive during the training process.

After the training is completed, retention support services begin and are designed to make sure the participant and their employer are satisfied. Employment advisors continue to visit the workplace and maintain contact with the employee and the employer for a minimum of two months, or indefinitely. Unexpected situations can arise for any employee, so our employment advisors are on call for the employees and employers. Candidates hired from the Center have the benefit of having an employment professional available to come on-site to work with them to develop solutions.

When a newly hired individual’s need for on-site support becomes less than 25 percent of their work schedule, retention services begin. Retention is designed to support individuals with a developmental disability or brain injury to maintain employment in a long-term capacity. Employment advisors continue to visit the workplace and maintain contact with the employee and the employer for a minimum of two months, or indefinitely. Unexpected situations can arise for any employee, so our employment advisors are on call for the employees and employers.

Retention works as part of the career planning process, so staff recognize consumer progress and assist them with learning advanced job skills, which increases opportunities for raises and promotions. The Centers retention services include: employer and coworker mediations; continued establishment of natural supports within the work environment; on-going self-management techniques to reinforce learning; and support when new jobs tasks are introduced or if performance declines. These services primarily take place at the business where the consumer is employed, unless otherwise directed by the consumer’s individualized support plan.

This program is unique because instead of relying strictly on behavioral modification techniques to reinforce learning, the program utilizes compensatory strategies and tools designed as part of a specialized program for each individual. Through a team approach, this program assists consumers with continuous learning of new job tasks, reinforces good work habits and assists individuals with building good working relationships and natural support.


For more information or to refer someone to the program,
contact Jamiecea Williams, Director of Employment Support Services, at 314.983.9230 or jwilliams@cssstl.org.